
Questions for Kids Geography Quiz One

Kids Geography Trivia Questions readymade for the perfect family quiz!

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Questions for Kids Geography Quiz One


Capital Cities of Countries Questions:

  1. Which country is Paris the capital of?

  2. What is the capital of Australia?

  3. What is the capital of Germany?

  4. Which country is Washington DC the capital of?

  5. Which country is Madrid the capital of?

  6. What is the capital of Cuba?

  7. What is the capital of New Zealand?

  8. What is the capital of Thailand?

  9. Which country is Cairo the capital of?

  10. What is the capital of England?

  1. What is the national capital city of Canada?

  2. What is the capital of Mexico?

  3. Which country is Tokyo the capital of?

  4. Which country is Lisbon the capital of?

  5. What is the capital of Morocco?